Today was a good biking day due to nice roads, decent weather and being accompanied by Sam. It was our first day riding together. We started out on AR 82 which is a busy road but with a nice wide shoulder. After 11 miles we turned on to a scenic road with barely any traffic for 13 miles. We rode leisurely side by side and chatted. My favorite ride so far. You can tell we are approaching Texas. We passed two active oil rigs. Sam assured me that there are lots more to come. The rest of the day was again on AR 82 and the wide shoulder on the rode continued. It was supposed to rain this afternoon but held off which was great. We got 41 miles in and called it a day. We might have gone further but Sam rode over some glass and immediately got a flat. He told me but all I heard was glass and thought he was just making me aware. I kept riding and turned around a ways ahead to tell him something and he was no where to be found. Thank goodness for cell phones. He let both me and Marie know is text and encouraged me to ride on. Marie picked him up and I rode the rest of the way to the next town, Stamps. Sam was thrilled to see Marie pull up in the truck to pick him up. He changed the tire at the hotel in record time. It is clear he has experience doing it šŸ˜Š.